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Assembly Source File
458 lines
* "Startup.asm"
* $VER: Startup_asm 3.5 (1.11.95)
* Copyright © 1995 by Kenneth C. Nilsen/Digital Surface
* This source is freely distributable.
* For instructions read the Startup_Asm.doc or the Startup_example.s
*StartSkip = 0 or 1 (0 = wb/cli, 1=cli only (eg. from AsmOne))
*Processor = 0 or 680x0
*MathProc = 0 or 6888x/68040/68060
*Init: Version <"PrgName ver.rev (date)"> (opt)
* TaskName <"new task name in quotes"> (opt)
* TaskPri <priority> (opt)
* DefLib <libname wo/.library>,<version> (opt)
* DefEnd ;must end the "Init:" section ALWAYS! (required!)
*Start: LibBase <libname wo/.library> (opt)
* StartFrom = 0 (CLI) or <>0 (WB) in D0 (opt)
* TaskPointer = pointer to taskstructure (D0) (opt)
* NextArg = pointer to next argument or 0 (D0) (opt)
* Return <return value> (with RTS) (recommended)
zyxMax = 17 ;max no. of libraries for AllocMem()
zyxBufZ = 308 ;size of format buffer in bytes for AllocMem()
; Default settings will require 512 bytes allocated memory.
; The buffer is independent of this header.
* Macros for Startup.asm
Return: Macro
moveq #\1,d0 ;* if you use rtn code >127, change to "move.l"
rts ;exit our program
DefLib: Macro
lea \1NamX(pc),a1 ;make exclusive library namelabel
move.l a1,(a5)+ ;put name into our buffer (if print)
move.l a1,zyxNx ;store name in local label
moveq #\2,d0 ;if you use ver >127, change this to "move.l"
move.l d0,(a5)+ ;store version in our buffer
move.l d0,zyxVx ;store version in local label
jsr -552(a6) ;try open library
move.l d0,(a5)+ ;store result in our buffer
move.l d0,\1basX ;store result in global label
bne.b \1zyx ;if <>0 then ok
bsr.w zyxLibR ;print error message
bra.b \1zyx ;go on...
\1basX: dc.l 0
\1NamX: dc.b "\1.library",0 ;library name macro
DefEnd: Macro
move.l #-1,(a5) ;this terminate our library list
LibBase: Macro
move.l \1basX(pc),a6 ;get library base with exclusive name
TaskName: Macro
move.l $4.w,a6 ;exec base
jsr -132(a6) ;Forbid()
move.l zyxTask(pc),a0 ;get stored task pointer to our task
move.l #.TaskN,10(a0) ;get ptr. to new name and store
jsr -138(a6) ;Permit()
bra.b .zyxTsk ;go on...
.TaskN: dc.b \1 ;task name macro
dc.b 0 ;null terminate
TaskPri: Macro
move.l $4.w,a6 ;execbase
move.l zyxTask(pc),a1 ;get stored task pointer
moveq #\1,d0 ;get new task priority
jsr -300(a6) ;SetTaskPri()
TaskPointer: Macro
move.l zyxTask(pc),d0 ;give pointer to task in d0
StartFrom: Macro
move.l RtnMess(pc),d0 ;if started from WB, d0<>0
NextArg: Macro
move.l zyxArgP(pc),d0 ;get address to argument string
beq.b *+8 ;none? (from WB) then skip
move.l d0,a0 ;use pointer
bsr.w zyxGArg ;go to our internal routine
move.l a0,zyxArgP ;update argument pointer
tst.l d0 ;set/unset Z flag
;*! Don't use the Version macro from Startup.asm 3.5+ !* :
Version: Macro
bra.s .zyxVer
dc.b "$VER: "
dc.b \1
dc.b 0
* MAIN routine:
GoZYX: move.l a0,-(sp) ;store argument pointer
move.l d0,zyxArgL ;store length of arg. string
move.l a0,zyxArgP ;store arg. pointer in internal label
move.l $4.w,a6 ;exec base
move.l a6,execbasX ;allow "LibBase exec"
move.l #zyxBufZ,d0 ;set buffer size
moveq #1,d1 ;requirements (public, clear)
jsr -198(a6) ;AllocMem()
move.l d0,zyxBuff ;store result in label
beq.w .DOS ;Null? then exit
sub.l a1,a1 ;a1=0 (this task)
jsr -294(a6) ;FindTask()
move.l d0,a4 ;copy result
move.l d0,zyxTask ;store for internal use
tst.l 172(a4) ;where we started from (wb/cli)
bne.b .chkPro ;<>0 then cli
moveq #StartSkip,d0 ;check if we wanne skip (eg. AsmOne)
bne.b .chkPro ;yepp, then skip
lea 92(a4),a0 ;get message port address
jsr -384(a6) ;WaitPort()
lea 92(a4),a0 ;get message port address
jsr -372(a6) ;GetMsg()
move.l d0,RtnMess ;store message pointer in label
move.w 296(a6),d5 ;AttnFlags in execbase
move.l #Processor,d7 ;processor we want
beq.w .ProOk ;null? then any will do, skip this part
cmp.w #60,d7
ble.w .nxPro1 ;then skip too...
sub.l #68000,d7
beq.w .ProOk
cmp.b #10,d7 ;68010?
bne.b .nxPro2 ;no, check next
and.b #$cf,d5 ;check bits
bne.w .ProOk ;we got a 68010 or higher
bra.w .ProErr ;we got lower, we can't start...
cmp.b #20,d7 ;same as above, just higher processor
bne.b .nxPro3
and.b #$ce,d5
bne.w .ProOk
bra.b .ProErr
cmp.b #30,d7
bne.b .nxPro4
and.b #$cc,d5
bne.b .ProOk
bra.b .ProErr
cmp.b #40,d7
bne.b .nxPro5
and.b #$c8,d5
bne.b .ProOk
bra.b .ProErr
cmp.b #60,d7 ;we want a 68060 (yes, we do :) )
bne.b .ProWho ;not? then I dont know about any higher
btst #7,d5 ;test if it is a 68060 we're using
beq.b .ProErr ;nope
btst #6,d5 ;are you sure?
bne.b .ProOk ;yepp, continue
bra.b .ProErr ;not a 060, print error message
lea ProcWho(pc),a0 ;unknown processor required, print
move.l #Processor,ProcNum ;print message about it...
lea ProcNum(pc),a1
bsr.w zyxPrt
bra.w .End
st zyxLR
lea ProcErr(pc),a0 ;we don't got the processor required
add.l #68000,d7
move.l d7,ProcNum ;message about it.
lea ProcNum(pc),a1
bsr.w zyxPrt ;jump to our cli print routine
.ProOk: move.l #MathProc,d7 ;time to check for math-co-processor
beq.w .MathOk ;null? then any will do...
sub.l #68000,d7
cmp.w #881,d7 ;a 68881?
bne.b .Math2 ;no check next
and.b #$70,d5 ;check flags
bne.b .MathOk ;we got it
bra.b .MathEr ;sorry...
.Math2: cmp.w #882,d7 ;same as above
bne.b .Math3
and.b #$60,d5
bne.b .MathOk
bra.b .MathEr
.Math3: cmp.b #60,d7
beq.b .m60ok
cmp.b #40,d7 ;we have 040/060 with FPU not 881/882
bne.b .MathEr ;unknown FPU if any else...
.m60ok btst #6,d5 ;we got it?
bne.b .MathOk ;yepp, continue
st zyxLR
lea ProcErr(pc),a0 ;print error message...
move.l #MathProc,ProcNum ;number data
lea ProcNum(pc),a1
bsr.w zyxPrt
bsr.w zyxLibO ;oki, open our libraries
tst.b zyxLR ;any errors?
bne.b .noShow ;yepp, don't start
move.l zyxArgP(pc),a0 ;get arg. pointer
move.l zyxArgL(pc),d0 ;get arg. length
bsr.w Start ;! start main program !
move.l d0,zyxVal ;store return code
bsr.w zyxLibC ;close libraries if any
.End: move.l zyxBuff(pc),d0 ;get pointer to our buffer
beq.b .noBuff ;no buffer?!?
move.l d0,a1 ;copy pointer
move.l #zyxBufZ,d0 ;length of buffer
jsr -210(a6) ;FreeMem()
tst.l RtnMess ;from WB?
beq.w .DOS ;nope, from CLI
jsr -132(a6) ;Forbid()
move.l RtnMess(pc),a1 ;put message in a1
jsr -138(a6) ;Permit()
.DOS: movem.l (sp)+,a0 ;restore stack, put arg. pointer back
move.l zyxVal(pc),d0 ;set return code
rts ;BYE! :)
zyxDo: move.b d0,(a3)+ ;for RawDoFmt(), process routine
zyxPrt: movem.l d0-a6,-(sp) ;store regs. on stack
lea zyxDo(pc),a2 ;process
move.l zyxBuff(pc),a3 ;format buffer
jsr -522(a6) ;RawDoFmt()
moveq #0,d0 ;any version
lea zyxDos(pc),a1 ;ptr. to dos.library name
jsr -552(a6) ;OpenLibrary()
tst.l d0 ;failed?
beq.b .exit ;jepp, exit
move.l d0,a6 ;use dosbase
jsr -60(a6) ;Output()
move.l d0,d1 ;copy, set Z, failed?
beq.b .clDos ;no output -> close dos.library
move.l zyxBuff(pc),d2 ;get ptr. to our buffer
move.l d2,a0 ;copy pointer
moveq #0,d3 ;clear D3 (length of buffer)
.count: addq #1,d3 ;add 1 to length of line
tst.b (a0)+ ;get one char
bne.b .count ;null? yepp, found end...
subq #1,d3 ;exclude last sign (null)
jsr -48(a6) ;print buffer to output handler (CLI)
.clDos: lea (a6),a1 ;copy dosbase to a1
move.l $4.w,a6 ;get exebase
jsr -414(a6) ;CloseLibrary()
.exit: movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 ;restore stack
rts ;return
move.l #4*3*zyxMax,d0 ;library buffer size 12*zyxMax (192)
moveq #1,d1 ;any mem
jsr -198(a6) ;AllocMem()
move.l d0,zyxMem ;store result
beq.b .memErr ;null? then error
move.l d0,a5 ;use buffer
bsr.w Init ;jump to init section (see macros)
rts ;done
lea zyxFR(pc),a0 ;get format text
lea zyxMeR(pc),a1 ;get input string
bsr.w zyxPrt ;print message about low memory
st zyxLR ;failed, don't start main program
rts ;return
move.l $4.w,a6 ;execbase
move.l zyxMem(pc),d0 ;library buffer
beq.w .noLibs ;null? then no libraries
move.l d0,a5 ;use pointer
.loop: cmp.l #-1,(a5) ;end?
beq.b .clEnd ;yepp, then done!
move.l 8(a5),d0 ;get library base
beq.b .noCl ;null? then this lib. failed to open
move.l d0,a1 ;use base
jsr -414(a6) ;CloseLibrary()
.noCl: lea 12(a5),a5 ;get next library base
bra.b .loop ;continue
.clEnd: move.l zyxMem(pc),a1 ;get lib. buffer pointer
move.l #4*3*zyxMax,d0 ;size
jsr -210(a6) ;FreeMem()
st zyxLR ;if any errors, set error flag
lea zyxLib(pc),a0 ;pointer to format text
lea zyxNx(pc),a1 ;pointer to format data
bsr.w zyxPrt ;print library name
rts ;return
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;get a char from arg. line
beq.w .end ;null? end of line
cmp.b #10,d0 ;linefeed?
beq.w .end ;end of line
cmp.b #9,d0 ;tab?
beq.b zyxGArg ;get another char
cmp.b #32,d0 ;space?
beq.b zyxGArg ;get another char
move.l zyxBuff(pc),a1 ;our text buffer
lea -1(a0),a0 ;go back one byte on arg. line
.copy: move.b (a0)+,d0 ;copy char to d0
beq.b .stop ;null? then stop copy
cmp.b #10,d0 ;linefeed?
beq.b .stop ;stop copy
cmp.b #32,d0 ;space?
beq.b .eol ;then this arg. is done
.cont: cmp.b #'*',d0 ;asterix?
beq.b .chkSpc ;check for special functions
cmp.b #'"',d0 ;quote?
beq.b .toggle ;toggle copy mode
.noChk: move.b d0,(a1)+ ;copy passed char to our buffer
.cont2: bra.b .copy ;continue copy
cmp.b #'"',(a0) ;a quote want to be used?
bne.b .chk2 ;no, check for a linefeed then...
move.b #'"',(a1)+ ;copy a quote to our buffer
lea 1(a0),a0 ;skip one byte (2(*")->1("))
bra.b .copy ;continue copy argument
.chk2: cmp.b #'n',(a0) ;a linefeed?
bne.b .noChk ;nope, skip special funcs.
move.b #10,(a1)+ ;copy a linefeed to our buffer
lea 1(a0),a0 ;make 2 -> 1
bra.b .copy ;continue copy
tst.b zyxQ ;already toggled?
beq.b .set ;nope, then toggle
sf zyxQ ;re toggle
bra.b .stop ;end of argument
.set: st zyxQ ;toggle so we can use space in arg.
bra.b .cont2 ;continue copying argument
.eol: tst.b zyxQ ;end of line -> toggled?
bne.b .cont ;jepp, continue
.stop: tst.b zyxQ ;toggled?
bne.b .end ;jepp,don't care about this arg (error)
clr.b (a1) ;terminate buffer
move.l zyxBuff(pc),d0 ;pointer to extracted argument
rts ;return to macro
.end: moveq #0,d0 ;no more args
rts ;return to macro
RtnMess: dc.l 0 ;pointer to WB message
ProcNum: dc.l 0 ;processor wanted
execbasX: dc.l 0 ;pointer to execbase
zyxArgL: dc.l 0 ;argument line length
zyxArgP: dc.l 0 ;pointer to argument string
zyxVal: dc.l 0 ;return code
zyxMem: dc.l 0 ;pointer to library buffer
zyxNx: dc.l 0 ;temp lib. name
zyxVx: dc.l 0 ;temp lib. version
zyxTask: dc.l 0 ;pointer to task structure
zyxBuff: dc.l 0 ;pointer to string buffer
zyxMeR: dc.l zyxMemR ;pointer to a format string
zyxLR: dc.b 0 ;error flag
zyxQ: dc.b 0 ;toggle flag for quotes
zyxDos: dc.b 'dos.library',0
zyxLib: dc.b "Can't open %s ver. %ld",10,0
zyxMemR: dc.b 'Low memory!',10,0
zyxFR: dc.b '%s',0
ProcWho: dc.b 'YEAH! %ld ?',10,0
ProcErr: dc.b 'Need %ld or better!',10,0